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Freeware by EatMe

  • Sitemaker to make your (artist) website

  • new (2024-04): renamer-win10 Renamer v2.4.5 windows 7 / windows 10 / windows 11 setup / 1266 KB
        renamer-win98 renamer v2.4.5 / 274 K / about renamer (specs)

    renamer screenshot

  • EAZ by EatMe

  • download all EAZ versions in a .zip with help
    required to run is DosBox (Ctrl+F11/F12 to adjust speed) 

  • WaIT! / 32 K / MS-DOS delay timer application, for waiting / -? for info

  • icon.exe / 13 K / programmable quicklaunch clock menu icon

  • godir.exe v2 / 60 KB / fast directory on HD finder util (find all folders fast / help included) v2 with colors and fixed bug closing screen

    Create a list of all directories on selected disk[s] with the List.. button or with GoDir /L
    (run GoDir as administrator to create the list properly).
    Run "GoDir *last part of directory/folder name as search pattern*" to
    Open the directory (if only 1 result is found)
    Display a list of first results to open (if multiple results are found) to open with 1 click.
    Godir Windows
    will open your Windows directory
    after creating a list of directories/folders in GoDir (run as administrator for creating the list).

    Optionally, put GoDir.exe and the GODIR.LST list in your Windows directory, so you can access GoDir via the Windows+R run command dialog.
    GoDir does not need to be ran as administrator to open or display folders in the list, only for creating the list.

  • ChordLord.. and translations:
  • English: com.eatme.ChordLord.3.09.235.xrnx
  • Spanish: com.eatme.AcordeSenor.3.09.235.xrnx
  • French: com.eatme.AccordSeigneur.3.09.235.xrnx
  • Portuguese: com.eatme.SenhorAcordes.3.09.235.xrnx
  • Italian: com.eatme.AccordoSignore.3.09.235.xrnx
  • Deutsch: com.eatme.AkkordMann.3.09.235.xrnx
  • A tool for Renoise 3 to play and record 235 chord types in all scales and notes.

    This tool serves chords into the Pattern Editor when record mode is on, and previews chords using OSC server when record mode is off.
    More info in the manual.

  • param.exe / 10.5 K / given parameter displayer (for coders only)

  • vstfx.exe / 56.5 K / add lots of VST plugins to modplug tracker at once

  • winblock.exe / 32 K / windows 9x reboot blocker
  • winblockXP.exe / 32 K / windows 7 & XP reboot blocker

    Start this tool with your computer to prevent the system from shutting down and allowing you to keep your computer running.

    • works in Windows 7 and Windows 10
    • Reboot and Shutdown buttons do not work in WinXP or Win7 or Win10

    • for WinXP users:

      to enable in Windows XP: 
      run: REGEDIT
      in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
      set: AutoEndTasks
      to: 0 

    this will not prevent all applications from unloading, but block the reboot as soon as winblock is asked to quit

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